How to optimize for SGE

Alex Silverberg, President and SEO Strategist at APSEO, delves into Google’s SGE. SEO is constantly evolving, and a new wave of change is on the horizon with Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE). While high-quality content remains king in this new search landscape, optimizing for SGE requires a new focus on schema markup and structured data to make it easy for search engines to attribute value to your site. Today, Alex discusses how to optimize for SGE.
About the speaker

Alex Silverberg


 is a little camera shy

Alex is President and SEO Strategist at APSEO

Show Notes

  • 01:54
    SEOs and Googles SGE
    SEOs should be concerned about Google SGE because it will change how search results are viewed and how users click through results. While uncertainties remain about SGE's final form, investing in optimizing your site for SEO today and in the future is essential.
  • 04:43
    Business implications of a wider SGE rollout
    The impact depends on the nature of the business and its vertical. While eCommerce sites may benefit from enhanced product visibility, content-driven businesses face uncertainties, though there are some things these businesses can do to prepare for potential changes.
  • 07:47
    Content recommendations for SGE success
    Prioritize early keyword placement in title tags, leverage long-tail keywords aligned with user queries, and humanize AI-generated content. Additionally, align content with search intent, use structured data, cite reputable sources, and incorporate visually appealing imagery within the content.
  • 11:36
    Schema markup and structured data best practices for SGE
    Consult and Google's Search Console for guidance, using schema markup specific to your content type. For blog posts, prioritize blog schema, and for eCommerce, follow schema guidelines closely without overdoing them to avoid confusion and misrepresentation.
  • 15:20
    The importance of quality content and structure for SGE
    Structuring content effectively is crucial for success in the evolving search landscape, simplifying the process for search engines to attribute value to your site. While quality content remains paramount, elements like schema markup will become increasingly crucial.
  • 16:42
    Tips for surviving the next phase of search as an SEO
    Focus on providing quality content that meets user needs and Google's quality guidelines. Good SEO is about understanding the audience and adapting to changes while maintaining quality content, citing reputable sources, and aligning page intent.


  • "No one knows what SGEs final form will be. But, there are some things to be concerned about if you're not optimizing your site correctly and investing in things that are going to help SEO today and in the future." - Alex Silverberg

  • "Headings, subheadings, bullet points, lists, everything youd use to gain a featured snippet in the past will be helpful in SGE. Double down on your structured data and your schema markup." - Alex Silverberg

  • "My philosophy as an SEO is to make it as easy as possible for the search engines to attribute value to your site." - Alex Silverberg

  • "Good SEO isn't really about adapting to the changes that Google makes every month. Being a good SEO is knowing your audience, knowing what's going to connect with your audience, and also knowing what Google wants to see." - Alex Silverberg

  • "Be confident in yourself, your skills, and strategy, because, if it's good for the user, eventually it's going to be good for Google." - Alex Silverberg

About the speaker

Alex Silverberg


 is a little camera shy

Alex is President and SEO Strategist at APSEO

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